body-centered astrology

In Western psychological astrology, natal charts are used as mirrors of our strengths, stresses, emotional inheritance, areas of potential growth and the cycles of our unfolding. They are personal mandalas that provide clarity, and support a sense of direction without removing individual choice.

A great deal can be learned from studying a chart. However, often one is left with much useful, interesting information but with no sense of how to integrate it into one’s life. The chart becomes an accumulation of facts that one tries to remember intellectually.

As we shift attention to the body, the archetypes begin to speak to a deeper knowing within us. By focusing on actual felt experience, the material comes alive in a new way. My clients are guided to maintain both an inner and outer focus simultaneously. Where the chart and somatic experience are in accord, there emerge powerful streams of energy that the client brings confidently to everyday life. Where they do not meet, the client typically discovers psychological or emotional blocks. Insight from the natal chart and the inner, somatic voice join in a revelatory dialogue, helping us unravel beliefs that either support or hinder a well lived life.

An “embodied astrology” brings together symbol, sensory experience and outer circumstance in a holistic way. From deep within, we can nurture a sustained momentum toward expression of authenticity and creative goals.

S. Ariane Garfield
humanistic astrology

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